dr. stuff

  • Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Las Vegas - Checked into the Doctor yesterday for my yearly physical, which is why we're taking a pass on the card tonight. Everything looked VERY good. THX for asking. Blood pressure solid. Cholesterol well under 200. Heart ticking. Lungs clear. Temp right on 98.6. They also did a memory/neurological test. They give you three words, then hand you a piece of paper with an empty clock face. You have to fill in all the numbers of the clock, then they ask you to set the hands to like 8:20. Boom, done and done. Then the nurse asks what were the three words. I spit back banana, chair and sunrise. BANG! Some might question my brain power, but good for now. And my favorite thing at the doctor, the test for reflexes, when they take that adorable little baby hammer (the reflex hammer) and bang it just below your knee. Reflexes are OFF the chart baabbbeee! ALL good for another year!
