nhl Referee Report

Frederick L'Ecuyer

Overall Stats
Games: 6
Home SU: 1-5
OU: 3-2-1
Home Power Play Chances/Game: 3.33
Average Total: 6.83
Favorite Stats
Home Favorite Record: 1-4
Home Small Favorite (-100 TO -140): 0-1
Home Medium Favorite (-141 TO -185): 1-1
Home Strong Favorite (-186 TO -230): 0-1
Home Big Favorite (LESS THAN-230): 0-1
Underdog Stats
ome Underdog record: 0-1
Home Small Underdog (100 TO 140): 0-1
Home Medium Underdog (141 TO 185): 0-0
Home Strong Underdog (186 TO 230): 0-0
Home Big Underdog (GREATER THAN 230): 0-0