
Las Vegas - A Premier League game today with two teams that are stuck in the middle of the table might not be that attractive, but there's always money to rake.

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Las Vegas - As the NBA returns to the hardwood, you gotta throw a few handicapping metrics out the FREAKIN' window. First, and obviously MOST important is, who is in and who is out. We have not had confirmation on how many players, yet. But a handful of players have already opted out, including a YUGE piece for the Spurs, LaMarcus Aldridge.

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Las Vegas - Jumping over to England, and gonna look at the FA Cup match between Manchester United and Norwich City. Fun fact. The FA Cup is the oldest club competition in the world dating back to 1871, and with 736 teams, the most crowded.

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Las Vegas - Looking ahead to the Octagon tomorrow night and gonna dissect Dustin (The Diamond) Poirier vs. Dan (The Hangman) Hooker.

Right off the top, lemme be the first to ask Hooker to change his nickname. Yo Dan, you CAN NOT go with Hangman any more. Got a few choices. Tell me which one you like best. Actually gonna open it up to the Ecks & Bacon Nation and see if they have something tasty. Will try and get to Hooker's camp and see if he will accept our new nickname.

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Las Vegas - Sad, VERY sad. Me, not my wallet. After collecting a full Benjamin on Tottenham, a team I HATE as much as the Red Sox, now it's time to wager against my beloved Arsenal eleven as they travel to Southampton. It's like betting against the Yankees, which I NEVER do. However, in this spot, there are reasons. Too many reasons.

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